"Why accepting Jesus was the BEST Mental Health decision I ever made

Wednesday, February 26th 2014

Mental Illness. A term that has grown with my generation worldwide. From the events of 9/11 which created a heightened sense of terrorism, from many many shootings in schools, malls, and other places, people otherwise would not have expected from the richest country in the world, "America. 

Many of us have had the luxury of not having Mental Illness invade our personal space, but many like me aren't as fortunate.  From a host of credible research you will come to find out mental illness can be triggered by anything. It also can affect anyone; from very young children due to chemical imbalances, to very old and very educated individuals who hit a rough patch in life and found it a little difficult to get back up; In fact its more common that mental illness looms among many people worldwide, but hasn't been diagnosed, therefore goes untreated. 

Anything that suppresses your dealing with reality, sex, weed, alcohol, domestic violence addictions to sports, video games anything is a form of mental illness! " -Kevin Powell #Mentalillness"

At an event I went to in 2013 a panelist made a very true statement, "Everyone needs a therapist". What a true statement. You, and I need someone to talk to, unwind, de-stress to, and tell our secretes and hurts to. But who will that person be? It can't be anyone. Many of us find it in humans ranging from our husband, wife, parents, best friend, and other family members. But the person I and I am proud to say is mine is.... 

Mental Health wise, the best decision I ever made was accepting Jesus into my life, and I will give you a few reason as to why.

Mark 2:17

When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

I don't know about you, but I was no where near perfect when I knew Jesus came to save me before the date I accepted him, even when I thought I was already a Christian. He truly came to give us new life, and a new spirit and rid our condemnation by helping us strip away our sins. His calling and longing for me, made me respond by accepting him into my life  and allowing me to have a personal, relationship with him, not one by works. Mentally this was a huge relief knowing Jesus, the son of God himself is truly on your side.

[Everyone needs a therapist]

Matthew 11:28

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”

Exodus 33:14

And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”

Whose presence will go with you and give you rest on this earth? Except its spiritual, and most likely the Holy Spirit? That's another thing I love about Jesus. Mentally(praying and reading the bible) I can come to him and unload because he knows I am not perfect, but striving for perfection..and then in doing so I have a peace that isn't for a moment that happens with other things on this earth, but everlasting! The words of God say when you come to him with a heavy heart he lays upon you his easy yoke and lightens our burden.  Oh how I Love Jesus.

Exodus 33:14

As for man, his days are like grass, he flourishes like a flower of the field; the wind blows over it and it is gone, and its place remembers it no more.

Exodus 33:14

How long, O men, will you turn my glory into shame? How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?

Exodus 33:14

For... there are many... whose lives make them the enemies of the cross of Christ. These men are heading for utter destruction--their god is their own appetite, they glory in their shame, and this world is the limit of their horizon

Psalm 118:8

It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

I understand there are people in our lives we can really unwind to and we feel so much better afterwards. But the fact is another human is Not equipped to carry all our burdens, worries, and stress. If they try to, mental stability may not be the outcome for either of you. Yes there are professionals we can talk to, and there have been many studies on how these professionals have to find a way to really unwind and de-stress to separate their work from their personal life. There is nothing wrong with going to a professional, but Jesus, open 24/7, has an answer to every one of Life's questions through the Words in the Bible and conviction of the Holy Spirit we receive once we accept him. Humans eventually die, our trust can't be ultimately entrusted to them, but God, God the maker of Life, allows you the freedom to relax and truly unwind.

[There is nothing wrong with going to a professional, but Jesus, open 24/7, has an answer to every one of Life's questions through the Words in the Bible and conviction of the Holy Spirit we receive once we accept him.]

Life is marked with ups and downs. There will be downs, all though I don't pray that on anyone but you must be ready for them. It's these down times that you may want to doubt yourself, and rob yourself of happiness and joy. But I want to tell you these times don't have to be marked with a deep depression, and psychiatric drug, Jesus if you accept and believe can dramatically change your mental makeup! In my time of depression, despair, and feeling second to none in a very sinful dating world and world at large, Jesus ,made me whole and sets me free, then and now!

I invite you to accept him, Jesus, a friend to you, me, all today!

Cheers to a world of sound Mental Health, where God can touch everyone and explain to them, they are uniquely made to give of themselves to better this world before we return home to be with him in Heaven.

I Love you and I am praying for everyone reading this that has a Mental Illness. Find your comfort and strength in the Lord. It works for me, and he promises it will work for you<3

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From your Sister in Christ with a Servants Heart,

Janet Adeola Songonuga

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