Friday November 8th, 2013
I am no different. As mentioned in previous blogs at an age when I was exploring my own body at the age of 13, I too clicked a play > button and indulged myself in selfish sexual perversion, right on my home computer. Luckily my dad checked the internet history daily and quickly shut it down. But many of us aren't lucky. We may not have a parent considerate enough to SHUT down what dangers that come with PORN.
In our bedrooms, dorm rooms, apartment, on our cell phones, ipads, laptops where we think no
one is watching we have a desire in our heart to want to watch two human beings indulge in inappropriate sexual acts, then this desire makes its way to our mind, to then turn into an action that makes us click on that video, or tv show. The first time you click it maybe you are saying to yourself this will be the only time, you are just curious. Know that God created you as a sexual wanting creature. From Sex you were made, and sex you will partake in to create more children and help flee from sexual immorality when married. SO if you watch porn once it will be an addiction and it's only by the grace of God, you will be able to stop. That's danger number 1.
You may be asking where in the bible does it say not to watch PORN?
Matthew 5:28
Jesus tells us here, any one of us both men or woman, who looks at the opposite sex lustfully has committed sexual sin in our hearts. And in Proverbs we learn out of the heart flows the issues of life. Watching Porn is an issue. Watching Porn creates this lust whether you are doing anything physical with your body other than using your eyes to watch. And in watching Porn you are committing adultery because the act of sexual intercourse is to be done between a man and a woman who are married and have made a vow to stay together for the rest of their lives.
1 Corinthians 6:18-20(NLT)
Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. 19 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.
Watching Porn is a sexual sin and it defiles your body. Sin as explained in my blog post here , spreads to other areas of your life,and affects many many other things, we will touch more on it below.
There are so many other verses but lastly in Job it's written
Job 31:1
“I have made a covenant with my eyes; how then could I gaze at a virgin?"
When you watch porn you are creating a covenant with your eyes, looking upon a sexual covenant the covenant of immorality, and a covenant that can hinder your own views of sex. PORN creates in you a superficial type of beauty in a man or woman. It creates in you a superficial perverse way of love you now expect to be in your bedroom once married.
Sadly it's not only single people that watch pornography. There is a SERIOUS SERIOUS ERROR in the church that says it's ok married men and woman watch porn, so they do. THIS IS AN ERROR. Many worldly psychologist have falsely stated you should watch
it with your spouse to start foreplay. The holy spirit is the best love maker in marriage, lean on him!
Moving on though, let's talk about the PORN industry:
Porn as fondly abbreviated by society is a
Hollywood movie. It is fiction, staged in front of a set. Before they start you
can expect the famous Hollywood line : LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! Makers of porn
have made it believable for people to associate pain with pleasure. They show a
scene that is painful but appears as though the actress is enjoying it. On a TBN documentary an ex-porn film maker was saying how anal sex is something she dreads and cries out of fear right before the sex scene. However when the camera starts rolling her and others appear like its heaven on earth.
Why should singles not watch PORN you ask?
Porn sets unrealistic expectation for the future
marriage. Someone that watches porn is never satisfied in marriage, because porn has set in their minds a very unrealistic expectation that can not be
obtained. A number of married people who have watched porn now wonder why their spouse is not able to meet their needs. They wonder why
their wives cant act like the porn stars. One lady stated that she didn't enjoy
sex with her husband because how she reached climax was not how it was in a porn scene. These
expectations are unreal, and has destroyed many homes and has caused
infidelity, because many people are not satisfied due to unrealistic desires. As a single, PORN inhibits the deadly sin of masturbation. And touching yourself sister, and brother, creates problems in letting God's true grace fall upon your life and it does negatively affect your marriage. By watching Porn you are also allowing seeds from those actor's lives to be planted in your heart, and seeds of the devil also be planted. Porn is one of the devils active workshops. Porn again set's a perverted view of beauty. The actors have a ton of makeup and their body are false-fully edited; to have idols of beauty in your heart, will never allow God the chance of giving you his best in a spouse.
You are married? Why should married people not watch PORN you ask?
As Christians we are not NOT to engage in pre-marital sex, so then how do we know how to engage in it when the time comes since we are not quote on quote experienced? I tell you that a
worldly psychologist is not your answer, how can a worldly person have an
understanding on a Godly thing like sex?! YES God created sex, so he knows how it's done best!
2 Corinthians 6:13-15
13 Now for a recompence in the same, (I speak as unto my children,) be ye also enlarged.
14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
Speak to Christian leaders that God has given the
grace to talk about this holy union called sex in marriage. Speak to a medical doctor. But I need you to
understand that you can not expect every leader to talk to you about it because
they may not have the grace to do so.Sex has become an uncomfortable topic because the devil has
corrupted it and it is often looked at as a bad thing. But I tell you it's not. It was created by God for love
enjoyment and procreation. Seek help for all your sexual questions!
On both sides, on camera and those watching, PORN benefits neither! It will ruin and spoil your life if you keep indulging in an unreal fantasy. We watch PORN because we want to feel loved, wanted, desired. I am telling you today! These is a God who wants to fill that void. He wants to love you, and take care of you. He birthed that desire of love in us to show him that love, so he in-turn can show us. His name is Jesus and he is calling you to give up your old life unto him, so he can give you a new life FREE from the bondage of pornography and into a new life of purity!
Learn what science has to say about porn. ON all sides its a NO GO.
Learn what science has to say about porn. ON all sides its a NO GO.
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(Me in the Library) |
From your Sister in Christ with a Servants Heart,
Janet Adeola Songonuga
Still struggling w/ it...
ReplyDeleteHey! Thanks for reading my blog. God Bless you! I def understand where you are coming from. When you start watching Porn you can become addicted. I would like to encourage you to pray and believe your prayers!
ReplyDeleteRepeat after me " Oh lord, thank you so much for your wisdom, power, and strength! Lord I am asking to be freed from the bondage of Porn in Jesus name, AMEN!" Pray and believe, abstain from watching it. Fast from your computer, remove yourself from triggers. do something else you love. God bless you!