Wednesday, December 4th, 2013
So, so sorry to all my readers, that expected my post on "the root cause of sexual immorality" last week. My intentions were to post it last week but, I guess the spirit didn't tug at me to do it. But I am itching to share with you where the underlying root cause of, why sexual perversion runs so rampet in our generation for man and woman. Before you read you may want to take a deep breath.
The root cause of sexual immorality is:
yes MEN but specifically the LEADERSHIP of men.
Now many of you men reading this will be saying oh, there are woman too who parade themselves to want to be seduced, and what about all the PORNSTARS, well this is in fact true..but let me explain.
Since the beginning of the bible, which sets the beginning of time the responsibility of the man has been a great one. Let's turn to Genesis chapter 2 and 3 . In reading these two chapter's, starting with chapter 2 you will see after God made everything on the earth. He made MAN, Adam, and after making Adam he assigned Adam to name all the animals He had made. In doing this Adam was a leader.
From this we take that all men that profess Christ and those who don't are to be leaders.
Moving on, after Adam named all the animals, God becomes very pleased with him. He then puts Adam to sleep and blesses him with a woman to help him tend to all the earth. The woman, Eve is placed under his care, including keeping the other direction he further tells to Adam. He tells Adam NOT Eve, to abstain from eating from the tree of knowledge. Therefore Eve never heard the direction straight from God. Yes Eve entertains the serpent in the tree, and even after the serpent's warning she still partakes of the fruit, and leads Adam to eat it. BUT Adam was given the direction, he was the head over Eve,
so he should have been closely watching his wife, continuing his strict devotion with God, so the fall of them both, would not have happened.
For those who may not understand the responsibility of a Man, let's turn to Ephesians 5 :
Ephesians 5:23-27
For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Yes, I said men NOT boys. God want's all men to take the leadership position in all relations dealing with woman. In taking that leadership position, the men must be submissive to God, his rules and guide. The woman in turn is to look unto the man for direction and submit unto him. Lastly the man will be judged on how he lead his household and wife on everything the family went through!
And now back to present day, there is one, a lack of MEN in our society. There are many boys sadly. And due to this fact many BOYS are entering into relationships without the understanding of their roles as leaders. Therefore, miss-communication in dealing with females happen, and sexual perversion with high numbers of pre-marital sex occurs. Females are being lead to be confused when a men will claim he is in a relationship with someone else, but chooses to engage in relationship with this OTHER WOMAN. Yes the woman can seduce you first but you the man are to resist the woman.
There are many instances where family fall apart because they lack the correct head of the household. No matter if the woman has stepped up to run all the household rules, in the bible the feminist approach doesn't work. Woman are not made to behead the responsibility of headship over relationships, it's the man.
Ladies who are single and married, what you need to look for in a man is if he reverences God. A man that shows no reverence to God, is a man that lives for himself and has no desire in leading you, the woman, into a light that glorifies God. He steers all his actions straight to his selfish desires. A man must, with Gods direction order the steps of your relationship, and family. If confusion or questions come in as a woman, the man should be able to answer with all clarity.
For the men, your responsibility is a great one. But you aren't leading alone. To lead effectively and to keep the purity within the relationship you must submit yourself onto God. You must say ok, my lustful desires are making me defile a FATHERS DAUGHTER without the permission of this woman's father or God, therefore I need a God to help and guide me. There is no if's ands or buts to this. Because you lead the way, particularly in a relationship, whether courtship, engagement or marriage, a lack of your leadership makes you the root cause of sexual perversion.
My prayer is for all the men reading this blog to humble themselves and today accept a savior named JESUS, who can help divert your sexual urges to first him, to purify, to give you the wisdom and knowledge to be an effective leader, and to then lead you to one wife, and to have her help you in your walk of life, in Jesus NAME. My prayer for the females is to be able to identify a man who leads incorrectly and correctly, and that it will be your portion to choose a man that can lead you and so your sexual purity stays in tact till your marriage day, and after that day your marital life is a blessing.
May God bless those who are reading.
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From your Sister in Christ with a Servants Heart,
Janet Adeola Songonuga
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