You were not made to be Alone

Friday, July 12th, 2013

In Genesis 2:18 it reads:
And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.

It is not good for a man or woman to be alone. I pray many come to understand. Despite the leval of education, wealth, or independence you gain, the desires to be with someone and recieve companionship may still be there. As woman we may try to suppress the desire but the estrogen injected in us is not a mistake. We can't run from the desire, we can only channel it to not let it over burden us to sin, and or enter destructive relationships.  :( . The best way to channel this desire is serving our creator God, and through him the man he created for you to be with will come. Yes a woman's match according to scripture is only a man and not a woman. God made no mistake in creating your love match. 

Men, no matter how much God is blessing you, as he increases your wealth and wisdom you  should still endeavor to find a wife. It was in the beginning of time after God increased Adam in work and wealth he brought to him his help meet and beautiful wife Eve. If Adam the richest man on earth, living in the garden of Eden needed a wife well brother you were called to have one too. 

So you may then be wondering if you are a guy, “why doesn't God just bring my wife to me Janet?” Or if you are a woman you may ask why doesn't God just place me in front of my husband? Since the fall of man, after Eve ate the forbidden fruit and corrupted a sin free world, God gave us free will. It's our choice who we choose to pursue. This is why it says in the bible:

Key word FIND. A man of God will find you ladies. Rest in God. (I will def blog more about ways to be content in your single season) 
Men you must pursue to find your wife!

You see, strong man of God and even man whom are pastors are married. They understand God's commandment and that because God created a woman out of a man they are both ultimately made to be one and work as a team. I pray this doesn't offend anyone but the pope in the Roman Catholic church is really for show. Many go to him for prayers and leave with their souls still empty. The Roman Catholics really zero in on Paul from the bible and mandate anyone whom aspires to be a high ranking officer in the church to abstain from marriage. Paul, a great disciple abstained from marriage. We must not make this mistake! Paul was separated and set apart and given a task to travel great amounts of distances to preach the gospel. Many Nuns and Priests barely travel.  Please if you feel you are to follow in Paul's footsteps make sure you are hearing it from God not from man-made rules. If the bible is read correctly it actually states some requirements of a pastor:

1st Timothy 3:2 
A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, 

Take some time for this to sink in.

(2nd Corinthians 5:13)
Lastly DO NOT make this mistake and not pray for marriage due to past mistakes and hurts. I will be blogging on keeping your purity; but if you are no longer a virgin, have overcame the sin of masturbation or have children, you are not excluded from marriage if you are now living for Christ and are now Born Again. When you give your life to Jesus you become a new creature in Christ. The old has passed away and your slate of mistakes has been wiped clean.  If you haven't given your life, or need to rededicate your life to Christ, it's never too late. Do it today. Now you are living for God sis keep praying, God will bring you a God-Fearing Spouse.

(Me praying at the GCEN Christian Resource Expo)

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From your Sister in Christ with a Servants Heart,
Janet Adeola Songonuga

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  1. Amen Janet!! Great post sis :)

  2. Thank you I try to keep my focus off marriage because of past relationships before i became born again but its true like you said once born again old things are past away all things become new. So i will include marriage in my prayers if that's what the lord wants from me because I know I am not that past person anymore.

    1. Praise God. God has a special someone for you sis <3!!! But seek ye first the kingdom of God and all other things shall be added unto you Matthew 6:23 :)


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