Letter: Dear Dad

Below you will find an open letter for fathers everywhere. I am writing this in a way to convict any brother or sister reading this, as well as to bring glory to God. Here it goes..

Dear Dad,

We look up to you for examples on how we will be treated by the men in  our lives.  So, please, please, please, love your wife! A well loved mother really is one of the best gifts you can give to me. I am looking unto your marriage covenant as the standard of marriage. How you treat your wife is how I'll expect to be treated in my own marriage someday, which means you need to be showcasing marriage as it is presented in the scriptures: Christ (the husband) sacrificially loving and dying for His bride, the church (the wife). Good, godly dads will desire THE very best for me we thank God, but your marriage must be backing that up! Its incredibly confusing to tell me to wait for a man who faithfully loves and cherishes me, when I turn around and don't see you doing so with my mother. It's hypocritical and causes major trust issues. You are the first love of my life. I look up to you as my hero! So set the standard high for the man I am marry by being that type of man from the very beginning. "Be the standard she judges all men against." Prove to me that there are men who are trustworthy. Show me that there are good men in the world and I deserve to be treated with the utmost honor, respect, dignity, and love. Actively pursue my heart by taking me out on dates!  And as I grow up, constantly remind me of my great value, worth, and beauty (always tell your daughter that she's beautiful). If I know and feel this, I in turn will learn to value and cherish myself as well.

Protect and Provide for Her. 
Make sure I always know I am safe and secure with you. That I can always come to you for anything and everything with the expectation that you will lovingly take care of and help me, hear me out, and extend grace. You should be the one I run to when I cry. When the world feels like it's crashing in (and it will feel like that to her as she gets older) be that protector and defender that God has called you to be! You've been called to be my provider in regards to her physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Always be for me, not against me, and after my greatest joy.

Encourage and Teach Her. 
Be involved in my education, and I mean that in every regard. Know how I doing in school and encourage me to do well. Challenge me to grow in me hobbies and interests. Help me to gain confidence and wisdom in what I love. Show me how to treat others and what to value.

Bless and Delight in Her.
Being a dad can be a super fun job. I'm all for parents treating their kids. After all, don't you think God treats His kids beyond what they deserve? I'm pretty convinced He does. Our Heavenly Father desires to give us good gifts and bless us in ways particular to each of us. More and more I think dads should just have fun with their kids. Jesus was fun!

Pastor Her 
Pray over and with me, read the Bible stories, go to church, and ask what she's learning about Jesus. You've been called to be the spiritual leader of your home. Engage with your daughter's walk with the Lord throughout her entire life. As a parent your job will be to reflect the love of Christ to your daughter and teach her to walk in His ways.

Make Her a Priority. 
Don't put your work above me. Learn when to say "no" to your work and hobbies in order to be present in my life. Make it a point to be at as many recitals, concerts, games, birthday, and events as possible. By doing so you're showing me that family really is more important than work and that I am of high value to you and your time.

Tonight nearly half of the children in this country will go to be without their daddies tucking them into bed and kissing them goodnight. This is a travesty. Maybe some of you grew up in that home yourself. Or the father God gave you wounded you deeplyMy heart goes out to you and I know God grieves over this greatly. I'm not excusing your earthly father's behavior whatsoever, but I also want you to know that Christ has not called you to follow down that same path. Christ is summoning you to be a better man. Christ has called all men to parent their children well, just as He parents His children. As an earthly father you'll bear the great responsibility of showcasing many of the attributes of the Heavenly Father to your child. This is not to be taken lightly. Be that man God has called you to be for your daughter, for she will be a sweet and precious gift that the Lord has entrusted to you. Rely on His strength and grace to help you when the time comes. When the ball finally gets passed to you, don't drop it.

40% Of females turn to Sexual Perversion just because of a lack of a strong father figure in their life.   We must do better.

If you are a father and you realize you are in error. It's not too late for you to turn around. But you must understand it's not by your wisdom and grace alone that you can be a better father to your daughter. You must repent of your wrong doing and receive Jesus into your life. After that you must then go back to your daughters and apologize and start living the mentioned above.

If you are a man but not yet married, make sure you understand the responsibility that comes with having a child, especially a daughter! You must make sure you too have received Jesus into your life so by God's grace he can help you raise daughters that wont be found at clubs, and in sexual perverse circles but daughters that love God and respect themselves.

If you are a daughter and realize your earthly father has not done the above, and you miss his presence in your life, you too must receive Jesus into your life. Jesus is the best father. But pray for your earthly father if you still have one. God will change him.

(My wonderful Father and sisters)
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From your Sister in Christ with a Servants Heart,
Janet Adeola Songonuga

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  1. I wish all men everywhere would read this. I will come again and read this over and over again cos I must be the man that my kids need. The father as the spiritual leader determines the direction of the home. Lord help us not to fail you. Help us to build our homes for you and your glory.

    1. Awe uncle amen! You will be that man in Jesus name!

  2. hmmm His grace is sufficient. God bless you.


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